How to Create and Use Share Links

There will be times when you will want to include links to other projects, either created by yourself or someone else. Or maybe you want to include a link to another website as a source or reference. Adding a link requires use of an anchor tag, represented by <a></a> within the HTML. There are two very important attributes to use when creating a link - the href attribute, which is the URL of the site or project you wish to link, and the target attribute, which determines how the web browser opens the link.

In order to share a project and link to it in other projects, you must first make the project public. You can do so by clicking the “Settings” toggle in the top left of the project screen and select the “Public” option under the “Project Name” text field.

Screenshot of the Project Settings box. The heading "Project Name" is above a text field with the text "<Project Name Here>" inside it. Below the text field are two radio buttons labeled "Public" and "Private" and below those are two more radio buttons labeled "Lock" and "Unlock" - the "Public" and "Unlock" options are currently selected.

You will know your project is public if you see a “Share” button next to your display name in the top navigation.

Navigation menu displaying the options "Save", "Clone", "Media", "Cloud Variable", "Share", and text reading "Your Display Name"

Clicking the “Share” link will bring up a box containing the actual project URL, as well as two buttons labeled “Copy to Clipboard” and “Share on Google Classroom” - choose “Copy to Clipboard” to copy the URL.

A popup box containing a project share link. There are two buttons below the link labeled "Copy to Clipboard" and "Share on Google Classroom"

Creating a link is done in the HTML box of the project. The HTML for a typical link will look like this:

<a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>

And within a project:

HTML view of a link

The _parent and _top attributes are not used often nowadays, but you may find them being used in older websites that still use HTML frames for layout.

A good rule to follow is to use _blank for external links and _self for internal links. So for instance, if you are creating a link to a reference page found on a site like Wikipedia, using _blank for the link. If you are creating a navigation and are using different projects to represent different pages of a website, use _self for the links (or do not include the target attribute as _self is the default behavior).

A side-by-side image of a basic webpage showing the HTML on the left and the output on the right

Notice that in the above example, the navigation links do not have a target attribute. This is because this project is using other projects to simulate a multi-page website.

Below are the links to the project pages so you can experiment and see for yourself how internal navigation works in project files:



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