Purchasing a program membership is the first step to getting a student enrolled in a Codecraft Works program. Below is a walkthrough of the process for purchasing a program membership on the Codecraft Works app.
Codecraft Works offers a variety of programs for students of varying ages and experience levels. Check out our programs here to see what’s available right now. If you ever need assistance with identifying the right program for your student, you are welcome to send us an email at hello@codecraftworks.com or call us at 321-209-4674.
Once you’ve identified the program that’s right for your student, go to the program’s page on the Codecraft Works app. From the program page, you can view the program schedule, an overview of what the program covers, and who the program is best suited for.
On the main page of a program, its description, price, meeting times and more are displayed.
Purchases are intended to be made by adults. If you are a student and you are about to make a purchase, make sure you have your parent/guardians permission to do so.
Once you’re ready to purchase, select the number of memberships you need and click “Add to cart”. This will display a pop-up confirmation.
Once the program has been added to your cart, you can either select to view your cart and continue the purchase process, or close the window and continue shopping.
When ready to checkout, click the “Checkout” button and you will be redirected to the Checkout page. From here, enter your payment information and click “Pay.”
That’s it! Once payment is complete, you’ll be redirected to a view of your program memberships.
Will the person attending the program use the same account as the purchaser? If not, see the article on How to Assign a Program Membership to Another Account
2412 Irwin Street
Melbourne, FL 32901
Email: hello@codecraftworks.com
Phone: 321-209-4674, 850-290-4714
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